My new lovely girl: Medusa
I just got this precious girl from the same fish shop (independently owned by a man that has 25 axolotls!) that I got my older boy Aristotle. However I’ve noticed that her gills don’t look as puffed out as my males. Is this normal for the females or how can I get her back in proper health? I want to do the best for both my babies. P.S. I only had the bright light on to take the photo. It is now on dim blue lighting ❤️
I just got this precious girl from the same fish shop (independently owned by a man that has 25 axolotls!) that I got my older boy Aristotle. However I’ve noticed that her gills don’t look as puffed out as my males. Is this normal for the females or how can I get her back in proper health? I want to do the best for both my babies. P.S. I only had the bright light on to take the photo. It is now on dim blue lighting ❤️